Back and Forth in Word Games 116

Activity in Word Games 116Back and Forth

What is the goal? Complete the back and forth grid.

How to play? Every answer uses the last letter of the preceding answer as its initial letter. The chain thus formed follows a path down and up through the grid from the top left to the bottom right. Once completed, the center row will spell out the given word.

What cognitive skills would be improved? Attention;Auditory Processing;Long-Term Memory;Processing Speed (if timed)

What recognition skills would be improved? Alphabets;Clues;Words

What is the difficulty level of this activity? 3 of 3.

Published on: 30 March 2024
File size: 245kB (PDF)
Pages size: A4
Interior: Greyscale

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Word Games 116 This activity was published in Word Games 116